Unveiling Uzima Borehole Drilling System:

What is Uzima Bore Hole System?
Designing the Database System
Tab 3
What is Uzima Bore Hole System?
What is Uzima Bore Hole System?
Designing the Database System
Tab 3

This article explores the development of a computerized database system for Uzima’s Borehole Drilling System, focusing on client registration, service details, and financial computations.

What is Uzima Borehole Drilling System?

Uzima Borehole Drilling System is 2024 KCSE Project fushioned for the 2024 candidates. Its a comprehensive service offering symmetric drilling, core drilling, and geo-technical drilling. Following drilling, the company installs water pumps—submersible electric, solar, or hand pumps—charged based on borehole depth, tank height, and pump type. Additional services include tank installation, plumbing, and pump maintenance.


Background Information


The demand for clean and reliable water supply is increasing in Kenya, especially in urban and rural areas where access to water sources is limited or unreliable. Borehole drilling is one of the methods that can provide water to households, businesses, and industries. However, borehole drilling is a complex and costly process that involves various factors such as the type of drilling, the depth and height of the borehole, the type of pump and tank, and the fees and taxes involved.

Uzima Company is one of the leading borehole service providers in Kenya, offering borehole drilling, pump installation, tank installation, plumbing, and pump maintenance services to industrial, commercial, and domestic clients. The company charges different rates for different services, depending on the client category, the type of drilling, the type of pump, the depth and height of the borehole, the capacity of the tank, the type and length of the pipes, and the number of outlets. The company also collects survey fees and local authority fees from the clients, as well as 16% tax on the total cost of the service.

The aim of this project is to develop a well-documented computerized database system that would help Uzima Company to manage its operations more efficiently and effectively. The system would have the following features:

• Register and maintain a list of clients, with their details such as name, address, telephone number, and intended borehole location.

• Register items and services provided by the company, with their details such as type, cost, and quantity.

• Compute the total amount to be paid by each client, based on the services and items they requested, the fees and taxes they incurred, and the discounts they received.

• Compute the total amount charged on plumbing, based on the type, diameter, length, and number of pipes used.

• Compute the tax paid by each client, based on the 16% tax rate applied on the total cost of the service.

• Compute the total fees charged for survey and local authority, based on the client category and the fees shown in Table 1.

• Compute the total revenue generated by the company from each service from all clients, based on the total amount paid by each client for each service.

• Generate appropriate reports, such as invoices, receipts, statements, and summaries, that would show the details and calculations of the above features.

The system would be developed using Microsoft Access as the database management system, and Visual Basic as the programming language. The system would use a relational database model, with tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros. The system would also have a user-friendly interface, with menus, buttons, and validations.

Overview of the existing system

To become a member of the Uzima Bore Hole System sport club, individuals are required to provide personal details such as names, ID number, contact information, and additional information.

Inefficiencies in the Current System

The existing system faces significant inefficiencies:

• All records are manually written on papers and counter books.

• The use of counter books occupies a considerable amount of space in the offices.

• Papers are susceptible to damage over time.

• Retrieving youth records is time-consuming.

• Registration records are maintained in a counter book, and each member has an individual counter book for monthly contributions.

Data Processing Challenges

The council relies heavily on manual data processing for various activities, including:

• Member registration

• Monthly contribution recording

• Managing inventory

• Facilitation fees tracking

• Stock levels monitoring

• Sales recording

Issues with the Manual Approach

The manual data processing approach results in:

• Increased likelihood of errors in data entry and retrieval.

• Difficulty in managing and accessing records efficiently.

• Limited scalability and potential loss of data due to paper damage.

• Inefficiencies in handling inventory, facilitation fees, stock levels, and sales.

Proposed Computerized System


The primary objectives of implementing a computerized system are:

• Streamlining the registration process for members.

• Improving data accuracy and reducing errors.

• Efficiently managing and organizing records.

• Enhancing inventory and sales management.

Demerits of the current system

After a thorough analysis of the manual system used for managing Uzima Borehole Drilling operations, several shortcomings have been identified:

Ineffective Record Maintenance:

 The current manual system struggles to efficiently maintain accurate records of clients, borehole drilling projects, and associated services, leading to potential errors and oversights.

Challenges with Handling Increased Workload:

 As the number of borehole drilling projects and clients grows, the limitations of the current system become apparent, impacting its ability to effectively process and manage orders.

Inaccuracy in Processing Borehole Drilling Records:

 The manual data entry process is prone to errors, resulting in inaccuracies in the records of borehole drilling services, pump installations, and plumbing activities.

Data Entry Errors:

 Manual data entry increases the risk of errors, including typos, incorrect calculations, and inconsistencies in recording information, potentially leading to misunderstandings and client dissatisfaction.

Delayed Report Production:

 The manual generation of reports is a time-consuming process, causing delays in obtaining critical insights into the company’s performance, client payments, and project statuses

High Overall Operating Costs:

 The reliance on manual processes contributes to higher operational costs, including increased labour expenses, as more resources are required to manage the growing volume of borehole drilling projects and associated services.

Data Integrity and Computational Errors:

 The manual nature of the system introduces the risk of data integrity issues and computational errors, particularly in the calculation of fees, taxes, and revenue generated from borehole drilling services.

Security Concerns:

 The current system poses security risks as sensitive data, including client details, financial information, and project specifics, is vulnerable to unauthorized access, theft, or tampering.

In light of these demerits, it becomes imperative to transition to a computerized database system to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and security in managing Uzima Borehole Drilling operations.




Introduction to Modding the Database System

Modding the database system is a crucial aspect of the project, demanding absolute determination and knowledge. It necessitates students to think critically, devising appropriate tables, queries, forms, and reports. The system’s development utilizes Microsoft Access software, emphasizing editability over programming.

Importance of Design and Research

Generating an appropriate design for the project is paramount, alongside thorough research. Reflecting on past experiences, such as the KCSE project, highlights that while challenging, success hinges on resilience and motivation.

Understanding the Uzima Borehole System

Taking the example of the Uzima Borehole System, this year’s Computer Studies project, one must recognize the need to develop a system tailored for borehole companies. Key database structures include tables such as Clients, Services, Pumps, Drilling Details, and Survey Fees.

Example Table Structure: Clients

Tables, like the Clients Table, should feature related fields such as Client ID, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Business Number/Phone Number, Client Type, City, and Date of Registration.

Form Development and Importance

Forms, serving as input structures, are relatively easier to create and are vital for functional data input into the system. Ensuring coherence between tables and forms is essential for streamlined data management.

Query Development and Significance

Queries are pivotal, acting as the backbone of the project by addressing questions posed in the paper. Crafting appropriate queries demands a deep understanding of the project’s requirements, as irrelevant queries can lead to penalties.

Example Query: Tax per Client

An illustrative query, such as Tax per Client Query, showcases the importance of accurately calculating fees based on specified criteria.

Report Generation and Simplification

Reports, the simplest structures of the project, require basic understanding but are crucial for comprehensive data representation. Including reports on tables and queries enhances the system’s utility and effectiveness.

Example Reports: Clients Report, Pumps Report, Services Survey Fees Report

Incorporating various reports, such as Clients Report and Services Survey Fees Report, enriches the system’s functionality and provides valuable insights.

Stay tuned for upcoming tutorials and videos elucidating query development and other essential aspects of the project.


Queries are the next crucial step in our development process, and they cannot be overstated in their importance. They serve as the backbone of the project, providing the answers to questions on paper. It’s imperative to grasp the question thoroughly, perhaps even rereading it, in order to craft appropriate queries, complete with calculations, for the Uzima project.

These queries are akin to mathematical problems presented for solution, and any irrelevant queries can lead to avoidable penalties. Let’s consider an example of a suitable query: the “Tax per Client Query.” In this query, the fields that may exist include first name, last name, client ID, and the tax fee calculated as follows:

Tax Fee: [Total Fee] + [Drilling_Details]![Down Payment] + [Drilling_Details]![Depth] * 0.16

Stay tuned as we’ll soon attach a video detailing how to develop these queries effectively.

Absolutely, with well-structured tables and established relationships, creating queries shouldn’t pose a significant challenge in your project.

We’ll be releasing a video soon to guide you through the process of creating queries effectively, so stay tuned for that.

Dr. Abongo Davis

Lastly, let’s talk about reports. These are relatively straightforward components of the project and require only a basic understanding to produce. Reports can be generated based on tables and queries, and they play a crucial role in your system.

Some examples of reports that can be added to the system include:

  • Clients Reports
  • Clients Query
  • Pumps Report
  • Services Survey Fees Report
  • Total per Clients Report

Including these reports in your system will enhance its functionality and provide valuable insights into various aspects of your project.

(a) Register and Maintain a List of Clients

Develop a database module to record client details: Name, address, telephone number, and borehole location. This ensures efficient client management and personalized service delivery.

(b) Register Items and Services Provided

Create a database section to catalog the various services and items offered by Uzima, including drilling types, pump installations, and associated costs.

Financial Computations

(c) Compute Each of the Following:

(i) Total Amount to be Paid by Each Client

Implement a calculation module considering drilling fees, pump installation costs, and additional services. Provide transparency in the billing process.

ii) Total Amount Charged on Plumbing

Develop a section to compute plumbing charges based on pipe type, diameter, length, and number of outlets.

(iii) Tax Paid by Each Client

Incorporate a tax calculation module applying a 16% tax on the total cost of services for each client.

(iv) Total Fees Charged for Survey and Local Authority

Create a calculation system for survey and local authority fees based on the client’s category (industrial, commercial, or domestic).

(v) Total Revenue Generated by the Company

Develop a comprehensive revenue generation report, summing up income from each service across all clients.

(d) Generate Appropriate Reports

Facilitate the generation of detailed reports for clients, outlining service costs, taxes, and a breakdown of charges.


In conclusion, the development of a well-documented computerized database system for Uzima Borehole Drilling System enhances operational efficiency and ensures transparency in financial transactions. This systematic approach facilitates effective client management, streamlined service delivery, and comprehensive financial analysis.

Important Items to Take Note Of:
  • Maintain 1.5/double line spacing throughout the report.
  • The report booklet should have a cover with the author’s name and the title on the front and down the spine.
  • Word process the report and keep a disk copy for backup.

This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap for students undertaking the 2024 KCSE project, providing clarity on the Uzima Borehole Drilling System and the development of an effective computerized database system.